Hi, my name is Justin Carr a recent graduate from Queens University. I graduated with a bachelors in applied science. Specifically, computer engineering with a specialization in artificial Intelligence. I enjoy solving problems and bringing value to peoples everyday lives. Would love to
work on artificial intelligence team, design models to help people in need, or create anything that gives me purpose.
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Capstone: Convolutional Neural Network + frontend
• Web-based Calorie Counter. Uses CNN to determine the workout being done (benchpress, squat, deadlift, or none)
and uses that output alongside the user's inputted data to do a calories burnt calculation.
• Calculations for calorie prediction were 96.9% accurate in comparison to the gold standard of an Apple watch.
Capstone Repository
Compiler Design
• Understand and modify a small but real programming language compiler (“PT Pascal”) to implement a new language
• All programming done in Pascal using the PT Pascal compiler itself.
• Using the S/SL compiler construction tools (like IBM)
Compiler Repository
Terminal Website
Original portfolio website. Decided to upgrade landing page for non-coder users.
Carrs Powershell
Discord Bot
Discord bot for playing music, playing blackjack and several other fun commaneds. Demonstrating my OOP, docker, CI/CD, and javacript experience. Fun side project idea btw!
Discord Bot repo
Business start-up, my role is developing if full-stack developer for web and mobile apllications. Using Laravel, ReactJS.
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